hai, aku vera

apa itu emerald?? emerald adalah singkatan dari exploring women from the hidden treasure.
mungkin kalian agak heran mendengarnya. hhehe... acara ini diadakan untuk mensosialisasikan jilbab kepada para murid murid perempuan di Bandung khususnya SMAN3 Bandung.

Acara ini dilaksanakan pada Sabtu 30 Oktober 2010 di aula SMAN 3 Bandung dan aula SMAN5 Bandung. Bintang tamu yang dihadirkan adalah Oki Setiana Dewi (Ana KCB), Teh Iin C, dan Teh Putri. Acara dimulai pukul 10.00 , seharusnya sih dimulai pukul 09.30. lho kenapa? ini dikarenakan bintang tamu Emerald ( teh Oki Setiana Dewi) terjebak macet di daerah Pasteur. hmmmmh....

Acara ini diwajibkan untuk murid kelas sepuluh SMAN 3 Bandung, tapi banyak juga murid-murid kelas sebelas dan duabelas yang ikut. aku sendiri bertugas sebagai panitia acara. mulanya kami panitia acara sedikit pesimis bakal dikit yang dateng, namun dengan terus berikhtiar dan berdoa akhirnya SUBHANALLOH... bayak banget yang dateng.. rencana awal murid dari SMA lain diberi jatah 2 orang, ternyata eh ternyata mereka maksa panitia untuk menambah jatah menjadi 5 orang, tentu saja kami menerima usulan tersebut.

Yang hadir bukan cuma murid-murid SMA saja ternyata!! guru-guru, orang tua murid dan guru-guru yang mengadakan studi banding juga hadir.. SUBHANALLOH... aku dan teman teman sebagai panitia merasa senang dan kewalahan. Tapi kayaknya kebanyakan senengnya.. :) perasaan pesimis pun kini menjadi optimis luara biasa.

mungkin pada saat permulaan acara berlangsung agak garing dan dengan dibarengi sound sistem yang acak-acakan, kami juga sedikit khawatir karena Teh Oki sang bintang tamu belum hadir. Para MC berusaha ngocoblak segaring-garingnya untuk mengulur waktu. para perserta Emerald terluhat tidak fokus. aku dan teman-teman berusaha mengatasi ini dengan menyebar makanan makanan ringan. setelah stengah jam ngocoblak garing akhirnya teh Oki datang dengan gamis cantik berwarna krem. Senyumnya memancarkan keindahan yang memesona. Biasanya artis akan terlihat cantik di TV dan bertolak belakang dengan penampilan aslinya. Teh Oki beda bgt guys... Beliau emang beneran cantik luar biasa. Tinggi, putih, anggun, menawan, dan aaaaaaaaaaaaah, aku iri bgt sama dia.

Banyak gosip beredar bahwa Teh Oki kurang bisa menisi talkshow dengan baik, beliau hanya menang tampang doang. but it was DEFINITELY WRONG!!! gaya bicaranya yang khas bak anak muda jaman sekarang membuat para peserta Emerald dan kami sebagai panitia hanyut dalam perkataannya. SUBHANALLOH.... Teh Oki orangnya tidak kaku seperti banyak orang pikirkan. beliau penuh humor dan ramah. Pokonya kami merasa beruntung menghadirkan bintang tamu seperti Teh Oki.

Setelah selesai Talkshow, kami mengadakan fashion show yang model-modelnya berasal dari murid kelas sepuluh yang kami pilih secara acak. model-model tersebut didandani oleh salon MOZ5 muslimah. What a Beautiful creature!! merela mematahkan pendapat orang-orang yang mengatakan bahwa kerudung menutup kecantikan wanita sesungguhnya. mereka cantik!!!

sauvenir yang dibagikan adalah kerudung paris segi empat. kami berharap setelah Emerald selesai para peserta yang belum berjilbab merasa tersentuh dan mulai menggunakan jilbab mereka, ya minimal mereka tak usah membela, cukup kerudung sauvenir dari emerald. amien..

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Love Expectancy

Many people said that we would find love if we were not afraid of opening our heart, although only a little. Diana, one of the students in Symphony High School never felt in love with any boy. Although there were so many boys who wanted to be her boyfriend, Diana considered it as a platonic relationship.

One day, in Diana’s first day as a sophomore, she met someone who could make her eyes stopped blinking. He is tall, bright-skinned, handsome, and looked like George Harrison, the guitarist of The Beatles. Diana felt in love in the first gaze. Since that time, Diana used to day dream about him. She tried to look for his name, his class, his email, and all information about him. And yap… he is Dimas Jairaj, Diana’s senior at school.

Diana tried to make a relationship with Dimas. Everyday they were together and looked like a couple that loved each other. It was definitely what Diana wished, but Dimas neither. Dimas considered Diana just as his sister, also he though that it was just a platonic relationship. Actually Dimas felt in love with Desy, an exchange student from Japan.

Diana didn’t believe with what people said about Dimas. Diana’s face was white in terror. Diana hoped that it was not true. But out of blue, Diana found Dimas was caught red handed with Desy In a mall. They were in date! Diana tried to whitewash her feeling. Diana just could give a little grin to them and said that she was happy and hoped that their relationship would be prolonged and forever. It was definitely a white lie.

Diana tried to forget all about Dimas and thought that Dimas never came into her life. Unfortunately she could not! Diana used to be a single girl until she graduated her doctoral program in the age of 21. She was still in love with Dimas and she used to sing the poem from The Beatles:

I think of him
But he thinks only of her
And thought it’s only a whim
He thinks of her
Oh how long will it take?
Till he had the mistake he has mede?
Dear what can I do?
Baby’s in black
And I’m feeling blue
Tell me oh what can I do??

People did not know what was in Diana’s brain. She didn’t want to open her heart for another boy that was better than Dimas. However Diana didn’t care with that.

Once in the blue moon, while Diana was having her lunch at NannyNanny Restaurant, someone came and out of blue sat in the same table with her. Diana didn’t believe with what she looked at. It was Dimas.

“Dimas?” Diana asked him while her eyes were still stopping to blink.

“yes, it’s me. I hope you still remember me, don’t you?”

“………..” Diana couldn’t say anything.

“I am so sorry Diana. Now I know the truth. I don’t know what to say, but I can’t hide my feeling anymore.”

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

“well.. honestly, I broke up with Desy. I don’t love her anymore.”

“but why? You love Desy, right?” Actually a little smile couldn’t be hidden from Diana’s lips.

“she had an ulterior motive. She didn’t love me. I was just the second in her heart.”

“ ow I’m so sorry to hear that… I hope you will find someone who is better than her.” And definitely Diana wanted herself as the better one for Dimas.



“I am so sorry, may be in time ago I really used to love Desy and had an opinion that our relationship was just a platonic. But,, since you were not with me, my heart was not in the pink anymore. I started to think about you and I really lo…..” Dimas stopped talking and he inhaled some air deeply. Diana’s heart trembled so fast that her zigomatic bones were shaped in pink color.

“you really what??” Diana asked Dimas.

“love you. Ya, I really love you.”

They were silent for a while.

“you must be kidding me, right?”

“why I have to joke? Don’t you believe me?”


“Diana, I don’t want to be your boyfriend. I just want to be your husband. Do you want to accept my love?” Dimas asked Diana while his hand was holding Diana’s hand. Diana couldn’t say anything. Diana started to cry in paroxysm and shook her head up and down.

“I hope your movement say yes..”

They huge each other and released their feeling. They started to talk about their marriage and place for doing honey moon. Their relationship would not end until the fairy of death separated them.

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